California Now Protects BLM Mural With Hate Crime Charges
Democrats Protect A Domestic Terrorist Group Mural
California Now Protects BLM Mural With Hate Crime Charges. The democrat party is on a roll. It hates America and loves America’s enemies. They protect America’s enemies and persecute American citizens. The latest outrageous act was to charge two American citizens with a “Hate Crime” just because they vandalized a BLM mural on the street. The domestic terrorist groups BLM and Antifa, threatened, intimidated, assaulted, beat and murdered American citizens in the street during a year long insurrection supported by the democrat party.
The democrat party had no problem with all of those crimes along with arson, and barricading police officers in a building before setting the building on fire to burn the people alive. We haven’t seen such evil since Hitler’s Nazi Germany.
The democrats never said a word, except when they tried to cover for the domestic terrorist groups BLM and Antifa. They fully supported the domestic terrorists by Kamala Harris, our flunky Vice President bailing the terrorists out of jail as soon as they were booked and sending them back out on the streets to commit more chaos.
California Now Protects BLM Mural With Hate Crime Charges
Now it seems you can’t even touch a BLM domestic terrorist sign painted on the street without being targeted with a hate crime by the Nazi Democrat Socialist Party Of America. They will go to any lengths to support their version of Hitler’s brown Shirts, the domestic terrorist groups BLM and Antifa. They use the domestic terrorist groups to silence the opposition and to prevent American citizens from speaking out against the atrocities of the Nazi Democrat Socialist Party Of America.
Domestic Democrat Terrorists Tear Down Historical Statues And Monuments.
The domestic terrorist groups BLM and Antifa destroyed and torn down historic statues and monuments of white Americas they didn’t like. They can do all of that and it’s fine, as long as you do it to white people. The democrats are breeding more racism and hate in America than there’s ever been in it’s history. Now they want to charge people with a hate crime because they messed up a painted word in the street you have to drive on. If it’s in the street it will always get messed up eventually. What the democrats are doing is insane and over the top.
They hate anybody that’s white, or anything that has to do with whites in American history. Just as Hitler did in Nazi Germany by erasing so much heritage of others and preserving what he wanted, the Nazi Democrat Socialist Party Of America is doing the same thing today in America. They’ve opened the southern border to all so many illegal alien invaders to come in, carrying so many diseases overloading the health care system and the financial system because they give them billions of dollars just to break our laws. The military secretly buses and flies the illegal alien invaders all across the country to do the most damage. The democrats are America’s largest threat at this moment.
Democrats Are Trying To Destroy America From Within
The Nazi Democrat Socialist Party Of America is destroying America from within. They’ve already done more damage to America than any standing army in history could have done. They protect and support America’s enemies and attack American Citizens and Patriots. The Nazi Democrat Socialist Party Of America is the biggest threat America has ever faced in it’s entire history.
As always, never buy anything made in china.
Don’t ever trust a democrat and NEVER leave your child alone with one.
Wake Up America, Before It’s Too Late !