
A Sample Of President Trump’s Accomplishments

Here is a partial list or A Sample Of President Trump’s Accomplishments during his time in office from January 2017 to January 2021:


  1. Passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.
  2. Lowered the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%.
  3. Eliminated the individual mandate penalty from the Affordable Care Act.
  4. Created Opportunity Zones to encourage investment in economically distressed areas.
  5. Achieved record-low unemployment rates, including for African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians before the COVID-19 pandemic.
  6. Created over 6 million jobs during the first three years of his presidency.
  7. Increased wages, particularly for lower-income workers.
  8. Achieved a 50-year low unemployment rate before the pandemic.
  9. Signed the USMCA trade agreement, replacing NAFTA.
  10. Secured Phase One trade deal with China.
  11. Improved trade deals with South Korea.
  12. Implemented tariffs to protect American steel and aluminum industries.
  13. Signed an executive order to prioritize job training through apprenticeships.
  14. Reduced regulations at a historic pace, claiming to eliminate eight regulations for every new one enacted.
  15. Encouraged energy independence, making the U.S. a net exporter of energy for the first time in decades.


  1. Appointed three Supreme Court Justices: Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett.
  2. Confirmed over 200 federal judges, reshaping the judiciary.
  3. Strengthened the rule of law through judicial appointments.
  4. Appointed the first openly gay federal judge, Patrick Bumatay.

National Security

  1. Increased defense spending.
  2. Rebuilt the military and modernized nuclear capabilities.
  3. Established the U.S. Space Force as the sixth branch of the military.
  4. Signed the National Defense Authorization Act.
  5. Secured $738 billion in defense funding for 2020.
  6. Strengthened border security and immigration enforcement.
  7. Built over 450 miles of new and replacement border wall.
  8. Implemented the “Remain in Mexico” policy for asylum seekers.
  9. Ended the catch-and-release policy for illegal immigrants.
  10. Reduced illegal border crossings.
  11. Promoted the use of E-Verify for employment.

Foreign Policy

  1. Moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
  2. Brokered the Abraham Accords, normalizing relations between Israel and several Arab nations.
  3. Withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal.
  4. Conducted military strikes on Syrian chemical weapons facilities.
  5. Strengthened NATO by encouraging member countries to increase defense spending.
  6. Negotiated peace talks with the Taliban, leading to a reduction in U.S. troops in Afghanistan.
  7. Implemented a travel ban on countries with significant terrorist activity.
  8. Maintained a strong stance against North Korea’s nuclear program.
  9. Imposed sanctions on Iran, Russia, and Venezuela.
  10. Supported Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement.
  11. Recognized Golan Heights as part of Israel.


  1. Repealed the individual mandate penalty from the Affordable Care Act.
  2. Increased transparency in healthcare pricing.
  3. Reduced prescription drug prices through executive orders.
  4. Promoted telehealth services, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  5. Expanded short-term, limited-duration health plans.
  6. Launched initiatives to combat the opioid crisis.
  7. Implemented Right-to-Try legislation for terminally ill patients.
  8. Signed the VA MISSION Act to reform the Department of Veterans Affairs.
  9. Increased funding for Alzheimer’s and childhood cancer research.
  10. Addressed kidney disease through comprehensive reform initiatives.

COVID-19 Response

  1. Enacted the CARES Act, providing $2.2 trillion in economic relief.
  2. Launched Operation Warp Speed to develop COVID-19 vaccines.
  3. Facilitated the rapid development and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.
  4. Delivered over 500 million vaccine doses to the American people.
  5. Implemented the Paycheck Protection Program, helping small businesses.
  6. Provided direct payments to Americans as part of COVID-19 relief.
  7. Established the Coronavirus Task Force.
  8. Utilized the Defense Production Act to increase production of critical supplies.
  9. Facilitated the creation of temporary hospitals and medical facilities.


  1. Promoted school choice and expanded charter schools.
  2. Reformed student loan repayment plans.
  3. Increased funding for historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs).
  4. Simplified the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) process.
  5. Signed the FUTURE Act to permanently fund HBCUs.
  6. Promoted STEM education initiatives.


  1. Signed an executive order to streamline infrastructure projects.
  2. Increased investment in rural broadband.
  3. Promoted public-private partnerships for infrastructure development.
  4. Advanced the development of 5G networks.

Law and Order

  1. Signed the First Step Act, promoting criminal justice reform.
  2. Implemented the Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act.
  3. Supported law enforcement through increased funding and resources.
  4. Strengthened efforts to combat human trafficking.
  5. Enhanced penalties for assaults on law enforcement officers.


  1. Withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement.
  2. Promoted energy independence and reduced reliance on foreign oil.
  3. Improved forest management to reduce wildfire risks.
  4. Supported the development of new pipelines to transport energy resources.
  5. Expanded hunting and fishing access on public lands.
  6. Increased funding for national parks.
  7. Implemented the Great American Outdoors Act, providing funding for park maintenance.
  8. Reduced harmful emissions through innovative technologies.
  9. Promoted the use of clean coal and natural gas.
  10. Increased offshore drilling and exploration.

Technology and Innovation

  1. Promoted the development of 5G technology.
  2. Launched the American AI Initiative to advance artificial intelligence research.
  3. Promoted space exploration and supported NASA’s Artemis program.
  4. Advanced quantum computing initiatives.
  1. Promoted agricultural exports through new trade agreements.
  2. Implemented the 2018 Farm Bill, supporting farmers and rural communities.
  3. Increased funding for agricultural research and innovation.

Veteran Affairs

  1. Signed the VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act.
  2. Expanded the GI Bill benefits.
  3. Improved healthcare services for veterans.
  4. Reduced the veteran unemployment rate.
  5. Increased funding for veteran mental health services.
  6. Improved the appeals process for veteran claims.

Civil Rights

  1. Promoted criminal justice reform through the First Step Act.
  2. Increased funding for historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs).
  3. Supported the Second Chance Hiring initiative.
  4. Launched the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council.

Drug Policy

  1. Implemented initiatives to combat the opioid crisis.
  2. Promoted the use of medication-assisted treatment for substance use disorders.
  3. Increased funding for drug treatment and prevention programs.
  4. Strengthened border security to reduce drug trafficking.
  5. Implemented the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act.


  1. Renegotiated the USMCA trade agreement.
  2. Implemented tariffs to protect American industries.
  3. Secured Phase One trade deal with China.
  4. Improved trade relations with Japan.
  5. Promoted fair trade practices globally.
  6. Enforced trade agreements to protect American workers.


  1. Promoted energy independence and reduced reliance on foreign oil.
  2. Increased domestic oil and gas production.
  3. Expanded offshore drilling and exploration.
  4. Supported the development of renewable energy sources.
  5. Promoted the use of clean coal and natural gas.
  6. Advanced nuclear energy initiatives.


  1. Promoted affordable housing through deregulation.
  2. Increased funding for homeless assistance programs.
  3. Supported homeownership through mortgage interest deductions.
  4. Promoted community development initiatives.

Space Exploration

  1. Established the U.S. Space Force.
  2. Supported NASA’s Artemis program to return Americans to the Moon.
  3. Promoted public-private partnerships in space exploration.
  4. Increased funding for space exploration and research.
  5. Advanced the development of new space technologies.

Business and Industry

  1. Reduced regulations to promote business growth.
  2. Supported small businesses through the Paycheck Protection Program.
  3. Promoted entrepreneurship and innovation.
  4. Strengthened intellectual property protections.
  5. Advanced workforce development initiatives.

Financial Sector

  1. Promoted financial deregulation to encourage lending.
  2. Increased access to capital for small businesses.
  3. Supported the development of financial technologies.
  4. Strengthened consumer protections in the financial sector.
  5. Advanced efforts to combat financial fraud and abuse.


  1. Strengthened border security and immigration enforcement.
  2. Built over 450 miles of new and replacement border wall.
  3. Implemented the “Remain in Mexico” policy for asylum seekers.
  4. Ended the catch-and-release policy for illegal immigrants.
  5. Reduced illegal border crossings.
  6. Promoted the use of E-Verify for employment.
  7. Increased funding for immigration enforcement agencies.
  8. Enhanced vetting procedures for visa applicants.
  9. Implemented travel bans on countries with significant terrorist activity.

Environmental Conservation

  1. Promoted forest management to reduce wildfire risks.
  2. Increased funding for national parks and public lands.
  3. Supported conservation efforts through the Great American Outdoors Act.
  4. Expanded hunting and fishing access on public lands.
  5. Promoted the use of innovative technologies to reduce emissions.
  6. Advanced efforts to clean up Superfund sites.

Technology and Innovation

  1. Promoted the development of 5G technology.
  2. Launched the American AI Initiative to advance artificial intelligence research.
  3. Advanced quantum computing initiatives.
  4. Supported the development of new technologies through public-private partnerships.
  5. Promoted the use of blockchain technology.


  • Here is a list of accomplishments related to agriculture during President Donald Trump’s time in office:
  • Market Facilitation Program: Provided financial assistance to farmers affected by trade disruptions.
  • 2018 Farm Bill: Signed into law, this bill included provisions for expanded farm subsidies, conservation programs, and funding for agricultural research.
  • Trade Agreements: Negotiated trade deals such as the USMCA, which benefitted American farmers by providing greater access to Canadian and Mexican markets.
  • China Trade Deal: Secured a Phase One trade deal with China, which included commitments from China to purchase more U.S. agricultural products.
  • Reformed H-2A Visa Program: Made changes to the H-2A visa program to help American farmers secure temporary agricultural workers more easily.
  • Deregulation: Reduced regulatory burdens on farmers, including easing restrictions on the use of pesticides and water resources.
  • Rural Broadband Access: Expanded funding and initiatives to increase broadband access in rural areas, aiding agricultural businesses.
  • USDA Reorganization: Reorganized the U.S. Department of Agriculture to improve efficiency and service to farmers.
  • Expanded Crop Insurance: Improved access to crop insurance for a wider range of crops, providing better risk management for farmers.
  • Relief for Farmers Affected by Natural Disasters: Provided disaster assistance to farmers impacted by hurricanes, floods, and wildfires.
  • Dairy Margin Coverage Program: Enhanced the Dairy Margin Coverage Program to better support dairy farmers facing volatile market conditions.
  • Promoted Biotechnology: Streamlined the approval process for agricultural biotechnology products, aiding innovation in farming.
  • Executive Order on Promoting Agriculture and Rural Prosperity: Focused on improving the economic prosperity of rural America and removing barriers to agricultural production.
  • Increased Export Opportunities: Worked to open new markets for U.S. agricultural products in countries like Japan and South Korea.
  • Expanded Access to International Markets: Facilitated trade missions to promote U.S. agricultural exports.
  • Support for Beginning Farmers: Enhanced programs to support beginning farmers and ranchers.
  • Implemented the USDA BioPreferred Program: Promoted the use of biobased products, supporting agricultural industries.
  • Expanded Conservation Programs: Increased funding for conservation programs like the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) to support sustainable farming practices.
  • COVID-19 Relief for Farmers: Provided aid to farmers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic through the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP).
  • Strengthened the Organic Certification Program: Improved the integrity of the USDA Organic certification process.
  • Increased Funding for Agricultural Research: Boosted investment in agricultural research and innovation.
  • Agricultural Water Use Efficiency: Promoted initiatives to improve water use efficiency on farms.
  • Increased Access to Credit: Worked to enhance access to credit for farmers through programs like the Farm Service Agency.
  • Streamlined Food Safety Regulations: Simplified food safety regulations to reduce the burden on small farmers while maintaining safety standards.
  • Improved Livestock Disease Management: Enhanced efforts to prevent and manage livestock diseases.
  • Promoted U.S. Meat Exports: Worked to increase exports of U.S. beef, pork, and poultry.
  • Supported Renewable Energy in Rural Areas: Promoted the use of renewable energy sources in rural areas, benefiting agricultural operations.
  • Farmers to Families Food Box Program: Implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic to purchase and distribute surplus agricultural products to food banks and other non-profits.
  • Expanded SNAP Benefits for Farmers’ Markets: Increased access to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) at farmers’ markets, benefiting both farmers and low-income consumers.
  • National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard: Established labeling requirements for bioengineered foods, providing transparency for consumers and supporting agricultural biotechnology.
  • These accomplishments reflect President Trump’s focus on supporting American farmers through various policies, trade agreements, and regulatory changes.

A Sample Of President Trump’s Accomplishments

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