
Is America Less Safe Under Biden-Harris

To really understand the ways in which most American’s and the world believe the Biden-Harris administration has made America “unsafe,” and the actions they’ve taken against political opponents or dissenters, it’s essential to look at specific policies, incidents, and criticisms levied against the administration. This analysis will focus on several key areas often cited by critics: immigration and border policy, crime and law enforcement, foreign policy and national security, economic measures, and the administration’s response to political dissent.

1. Immigration and Border Policy

Is America Less Safe Under Biden-Harris? One of the most significant criticisms of the Biden-Harris administration is its handling of immigration and border security. Evidence shows without a doubt that the administration’s policies have led to a more dangerous environment both at the border and within the United States.

  • Relaxation of Immigration Enforcement: Upon taking office, President Biden signed several executive orders reversing Trump-era immigration policies. These included halting the construction of the border wall and revoking the “Remain in Mexico” policy, which required asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their cases were processed. Critics argue that these actions led to a surge in border crossings, overwhelming Border Patrol and leading to what some describe as a humanitarian and security crisis at the southern border. In fiscal year 2021, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported over 1.7 million encounters with migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border, the highest number ever recorded in a single year.
  • Impact on Public Safety: Critics suggest that the surge in border crossings has made the U.S. less safe by potentially allowing criminals and gang members to enter the country. They point to reports of increased drug trafficking and human smuggling operations. For example, U.S. law enforcement agencies have reported a spike in fentanyl seizures at the border, with the drug often being trafficked by cartels exploiting the overwhelmed border control system. Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid that has been linked to a dramatic increase in overdose deaths across the country.
  • Known Terrorists Crossing Open Border: Of all the dangerous illegal aliens crossing the open border the most dangerous would be the known terrorists from terrorism sponsoring nations. Along with chinese operatives which are growing in number by the day. No families, just military aged single males. This is well known and the Biden/Harris administration approves and facilitates their arrival.

2. Crime and Law Enforcement

Is America Less Safe Under Biden-Harris? Another area of concern among critics is the administration’s approach to crime and law enforcement, particularly regarding their lack of support for police and soft-on-crime policies. When law enforcement is told to not protect Christians or Conservatives from the democrat party’s Brown Shirt domestic terrorist groups like BLM or Antifa, then we can say America is certainly unsafe under democrat rule.

  • Rising Violent Crime Rates: In many cities across the United States, violent crime rates have increased since the Biden administration took office. While crime rates are influenced by a multitude of factors and cannot be directly attributed to any single administration, critics argue that the administration’s rhetoric and policies contribute to an environment that emboldens criminals. For example, some progressive prosecutors, who received support from Democratic donors, have implemented policies that reduce or eliminate cash bail for certain offenses, which critics claim leads to repeat offenses by individuals released back onto the streets.
  • Lack of Support for Law Enforcement: The Biden-Harris administration has faced criticism from law enforcement organizations and advocates who feel the administration has not adequately supported police officers amid rising crime rates and public backlash. During the 2020 presidential campaign and into the early months of the administration, President Biden faced pressure from progressive factions within the Democratic Party advocating for police reform and defunding. Although President Biden did not explicitly endorse defunding the police, his administration has supported efforts to reallocate certain police funds towards community programs, which some interpret as a sign of reduced support for law enforcement.

3. Foreign Policy and National Security

Is America Less Safe Under Biden-Harris? The Biden administration’s foreign policy decisions have also been criticized for making America and its allies less safe. Key concerns include the handling of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and the perceived weakness in confronting global adversaries.

  • Afghanistan Withdrawal: One of the most controversial decisions of the Biden administration was the abrupt withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan in August 2021. The withdrawal led to the rapid collapse of the Afghan government and a chaotic evacuation from Kabul, during which 13 U.S. service members and over 170 Afghan civilians were killed in a terrorist attack outside the airport. Critics argue that the administration’s poorly planned and executed withdrawal has emboldened terrorist groups like the Taliban and ISIS-K and has damaged U.S. credibility on the world stage. This could potentially make America less safe by increasing the threat of terrorism.
  • Handling of Relations with Adversarial Nations: Critics also point to the administration’s perceived lack of strength in dealing with adversarial nations like China, Russia, and Iran. For example, the administration has faced criticism for its handling of negotiations to revive the Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA). Some argue that the administration’s approach is too conciliatory and could enable Iran to continue developing its nuclear capabilities, posing a threat to both U.S. and global security. Similarly, critics claim that President Biden’s handling of relations with China, especially regarding issues like Taiwan and human rights abuses, has been too lenient, potentially emboldening Chinese aggression.

4. Economic Measures and Impact on Public Safety

Is America Less Safe Under Biden-Harris? Economic policies under the Biden-Harris administration have also been scrutinized for their impact on public safety and the general well-being of Americans. Critics argue that economic instability can lead to increased crime and social unrest.

  • Inflation and Economic Instability: The U.S. has experienced significant inflation during the Biden administration, with critics blaming the administration’s economic policies, including large-scale spending packages like the American Rescue Plan. High inflation rates can lead to economic insecurity, contributing to a rise in crime as people struggle to make ends meet. Additionally, supply chain disruptions and labor shortages, attributed to the administration’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic response, have exacerbated economic difficulties, leading to concerns about societal stability.
  • Regulatory Overreach: The Biden administration has also been criticized for regulatory overreach, which some believe stifles economic growth and innovation. For instance, the administration’s policies on energy, including restrictions on oil and gas production, have been blamed for rising energy costs, which directly affect the cost of living and economic security for millions of Americans. Critics argue that economic instability can lead to increased desperation and crime, further threatening public safety.

5. Response to Political Dissent

Is America Less Safe Under Biden-Harris? There have been widespread criticism regarding how the Biden administration has handled political dissent and opposition, particularly focusing on the Department of Justice (DOJ) and its actions towards political opponents.

  • Targeting of Political Opponents: The Biden/Harris administration has used the DOJ to target political opponents and dissenters like 3rd world regimes do across the globe. For example, there have been concerns over the treatment of January 6th rioters, with some arguing that the DOJ has pursued harsher penalties for those involved compared to individuals involved in other political protests or riots. They claim this shows a politicized use of the justice system to punish political adversaries more harshly.
  • Political Prisoners: For the first time in history, America has political prisoners. The false charges against the fake January 6th fiasco gave the Biden/Harris administration to keep American citizen dissenters locked up under harsh inhumane conditions for years with no trials.
  • Censorship and Big Tech Collusion: Another area of concern is the alleged collusion between the Biden administration and Big Tech companies to censor dissenting voices. Documents released in various investigations have proven that members of the Biden administration were in communication with social media companies, forcing them to suppress content that was deemed “misinformation” or “disinformation,” particularly concerning COVID-19, the 2020 election, and Hunter Biden’s laptop scandal. Critics argue that these actions represent a coordinated effort to silence political dissent and control the narrative, thereby undermining free speech rights.

Is America Less Safe Under Biden-Harris?


Is America Less Safe Under Biden-Harris? Critics of the Biden-Harris administration argue that various policies and actions have made America less safe and have targeted political opponents or those who speak out against them. From huge failures in immigration and border security, and a lack of support for law enforcement, to controversial foreign policy decisions and economic instability, these critics believe that the administration has contributed to a less secure and more politically polarized environment.

Additionally, the unconstitutional targeting of political opponents and efforts to censor dissenting voices have raised concerns about the erosion of democratic norms and civil liberties under the current administration. While the Biden/Harris administration argue these actions of censorship and targeting of American citizens for speaking out against the corrupt democrat party are necessary for safety and equity, there is no moral or legal justification for such abuses of power.

Wake Up America, Before It’s Too Late !



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