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Top 50 Reasons Not To Vote Democrat

Top 50 reasons not to vote democrat

  1. Higher taxes for the rich that create jobs: This will lead to less investment, fewer jobs, and a slower economy.
  2. More government spending: This will result in higher deficits, more debt, and a weaker economy.
  3. Gun control: This will lead to fewer self-defense opportunities and increased crime rates. The Founding Fathers knew all about governments that persecute the population. An unarmed populace is easy prey for tyrannical governments.
  4. Abortion on demand: This will lead to more unwanted pregnancies, more abortions, and a society that values life less. It’s a satanic based population that sacrifices babies as a form of birth control.
  5. Open borders: This will lead to more crime, more unemployment, and a strain on social services.
  6. Renewable energy: This will result in more expensive energy, more reliance on foreign sources, and a less stable power grid.
  7. Socialized medicine: This will lead to longer wait times, reduced access to care, and lower-quality healthcare overall.
  8. Affirmative action: This will create an unfair advantage for some and perpetuate the idea that people are defined by their race.
  9. Defunding the police: This will lead to more crime, less public safety, and a breakdown of societal order.
  10. Transgender rights: This will lead to confusion for children, increased opportunities for exploitation, and a loss of privacy and safety in bathrooms and locker rooms.
  11. Climate change hoax hysteria: This will lead to wasted resources, increased energy costs, and a distraction from real environmental issues.
  12. Cancel culture: This will stifle free speech, create a climate of fear, and prevent open and honest discourse.
  13. Identity politics: This will divide society along lines of race, gender, and other characteristics, making it harder to find common ground.
  14. Defunding the military: This will leave us vulnerable to foreign threats and make the world a more dangerous place.
  15. Packing the Supreme Court: This will lead to more partisan decisions, less respect for the court, and a weakening of the separation of powers.
  16. Medicare for All: This will lead to higher taxes, longer wait times, and a less efficient healthcare system.
  17. Free college tuition: This will lead to increased costs for taxpayers, lower-quality education, and fewer opportunities for students.
  18. Green New Deal: This will lead to higher energy costs, more government control, and a weaker economy.
  19. Sanctuary cities: This will lead to more crime, less public safety, and a disregard for federal immigration law.
  20. Eliminating the NRA: This will lead to fewer gun rights for law-abiding citizens, less safety through self-defense, and more crime.
  21. Higher taxes for the middle class: This will lead to less disposable income, fewer job opportunities, and a slower economy.
  22. More government regulation: This will lead to less innovation, fewer opportunities for entrepreneurs, and a less competitive economy.
  23. Increased spending on welfare: This will lead to more dependence on government, less incentive to work, and a weaker society overall.
  24. More government control over education: This will lead to less parental choice, less innovation in education, and a less prepared workforce. It will allow indoctrination of kids with socialist democrat propaganda.
  25. Less support for the military: This will lead to weaker national security, less respect for the armed forces, and a less stable world.
  26. More government control over healthcare: This will lead to longer wait times, less innovation in medicine, and a less efficient healthcare system.
  27. More government control over energy: This will lead to higher energy costs, less investment in new technologies, and a less stable energy supply.
  28. More government control over the economy: This will lead to less economic freedom, less job creation, and a weaker economy overall.
  29. More government control over speech: This will lead to less free speech, more censorship, and a less open society.
  30. More government control over religion: This will lead to less religious freedom, more government interference in religious matters, and a less tolerant society.
  31. More government control over the internet: This will lead to less free speech, more government interference in online activities, and a less open society.
  32. More government control over the press: This will lead to less free press, more government interference in journalism, and a less informed public.
  33. More government control over the courts: This will lead to less impartial justice, more political influence in the courts, and a less stable legal system.
  34. More government control over the electoral process: This will lead to less free and fair elections, more government interference in the democratic process, and a less stable society.
  35. More government control over the economy: This will lead to less economic freedom, less job creation, and a weaker economy overall.
  36. More government control over the environment: This will lead to more expensive and less effective environmental policies, less innovation in green technologies, and a less stable environment.
  37. More government control over immigration: This will lead to more government interference in people’s lives, less economic opportunity for immigrants, and a less welcoming society overall.
  38. More government control over foreign policy: This will lead to less diplomacy, more military intervention, and a less stable world.
  39. More government control over trade: This will lead to less free trade, more government interference in the economy, and a less competitive global economy.
  40. More government control over the internet: This will lead to less free speech, more government interference in online activities, and a less open society.
  41. More government control over the press: This will lead to less free press, more government interference in journalism, and a less informed public.
  42. More government control over the courts: This will lead to less impartial justice, more political influence in the courts, and a less stable legal system.
  43. More government control over the electoral process: This will lead to less free and fair elections, more government interference in the democratic process, and a less stable society.
  44. More government control over the economy: This will lead to less economic freedom, less job creation, and a weaker economy overall.
  45. More government control over the environment: This will lead to more expensive and less effective environmental policies, less innovation in green technologies, and a less stable environment.
  46. More government control over immigration: This will lead to more government interference in people’s lives, less economic opportunity for immigrants, and a less welcoming society overall.
  47. More government control over foreign policy: This will lead to less diplomacy, more military intervention, and a less stable world.
  48. More government control over trade: This will lead to less free trade, more government interference in the economy, and a less competitive global economy.
  49. More government control over the internet: This will lead to less free speech, more government interference in online activities, and a less open society.
  50. More government control over the press: This will lead to less free press, more government interference in journalism, and a less informed public.

Top 50 Reasons Not To Vote Democrat

Wake Up America, Before It’s Too Late !



Shining light on the socialist democrat party of America's plan to complete a socialist takeover. https://jackassdemocrats.com

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