
What is Trump Derangement Syndrome

Worried you might have Trump Derangement Syndrome? Wondering where it came from? We’re here to help!

What is Trump Derangement Syndrome. Let’s dive into the world of TDS, a condition that’s more contagious than cat videos on the internet and has as many phases as a Hollywood relationship. Read on to learn more about the largest epidemic today known as Trump Derangement Syndrome!

What in the World is Trump Derangement Syndrome?

What is Trump Derangement Syndrome. The simplest definition for the condition known as “Trump Derangement Syndrome” in modern slang, defines Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) as “a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Donald Trump, to the point at which they will abandon all logic and reason. In some cases the victim can’t sleep at night because they have nightmares of Trump in their minds.

A Scientific Breakdown of TDS

What is Trump Derangement Syndrome. Justin Raimondo, the editorial director of, penned an enlightening piece in the Los Angeles Times back in 2016 that brilliantly categorized TDS into three phases. Think of it as the DSM-5 guide to losing your marbles over Trump.

  1. Phase One: Proportional Paralysis
    • In the early days of TDS, sufferers lose all sense of proportion. Every tweet from the president-elect is treated like a national emergency. A 140-character message about, say, the weather, is analyzed with the intensity of a Shakespearean drama. “What did he mean by ‘great weather today’? Is it a climate change denial code?!”
  2. Phase Two: Hyperbolic Hyperventilation
    • As TDS matures, it deeply affects the victim’s vocabulary. Everything is suddenly the best or the worst. The word “literally” gets abused more than a piñata at a five-year-old’s birthday party. “Trump’s latest policy is LITERALLY going to end the world!” Calm down, Karen, it’s just a new tariff on imported cheese.
  3. Phase Three: Reality Rejection
    • In its advanced phase, TDS robs sufferers of the ability to distinguish between reality and fantasy. These individuals might be found plotting the overthrow of the government through impassioned Facebook posts, convinced that any minute now, a unicorn-riding superhero will descend to save America from its perceived doom.

Risk Factors for TDS

Wondering if you’re at risk? The typical victim of TDS are democrats. People that have little reasoning power and are easily led by others are the most vulnerable. Here are some telltale signs:

  • Excessive News Consumption: If you’re glued to 24-hour news channels like a teenager to TikTok, you might be in danger.
  • Social Media Overload: If you treat Truth Social like your personal diary and have notifications turned on for Trump’s account, you’re walking a tightrope.
  • Political Perfectionism: If you believe that every politician should be a saintly figure with the ethics of Mother Teresa, TDS could be lurking in your future.

Symptoms to Watch Out For

Keep an eye out for these symptoms:

  • Hyperbolic Speech: Using phrases like “literally Hitler” and “end of democracy” over minor policy changes.
  • Tweet Tantrums: Responding to every Trump-related tweet with an essay on why the world is ending.
  • Conspiracy Theories: Believing in elaborate plots involving Russia, aliens, and Bigfoot working together to elect Trump.

Treatments and Coping Strategies

While there’s no known cure for TDS, here are some treatments that might help:

  • Digital Detox: Turn off the news and social media for a while. Trust us, the world will keep spinning.
  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Take a deep breath and repeat after us: “Not every tweet is an emergency.”
  • Engage in Productive Activities: Volunteer, pick up a new hobby, or spend time with friends and family. Focusing on real-world connections can be grounding.

How to Avoid TDS

Prevention is better than cure! Here’s how to dodge the TDS bullet:

  • Balanced Media Diet: Mix your news sources. Don’t just binge on CNN or other lefty propaganda outlet, try a variety of them or Fox News.
  • Critical Thinking: Analyze information before reacting. Ask yourself if that tweet is really worth losing sleep over?
  • Humor: Laugh it off! Comedy is a great way to keep things in perspective. Watch some political satire and enjoy the lighter side of things.

In conclusion, the risk of Trump Derangement Syndrome is real, but so is the power of laughter, balance, and perspective. Whether you’re a fan of Trump or not, remember that maintaining your sanity in today’s political climate is a marathon, not a sprint. So take so try to relax, turn off the news, and go pet a dog. Trust us, it helps!

What is Trump Derangement Syndrome

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