
Person Of Color Is A Racist Expression

The Term “Person of Color”: A Critical Examination of Its Implications

Person Of Color Is A Racist Expression. It’s the latest racist term that the democrat party has made so popular. The term “person of color” has become deeply embedded in the vernacular of social justice extremists, widely used to describe individuals who are not white. However, this term is not without controversy as most people of all races recognizes it for what it is.

Honest people argue that it is a fundamentally racist term that implicitly excludes white people from the category of “people with color,” even though all humans have pigmentation. All people have color, just different shades. This article will look into the problematic nature of the term, the moral implications of promoting one race over another, and how political discourse, particularly on the left, perpetuates these issues.

Understanding the Term “Person of Color”

Person Of Color Is A Racist Expression. The phrase “person of color” is intended to serve as a collective descriptor for various non-white racial and ethnic groups. It aims to unify these groups in their shared experiences of marginalization and discrimination. The term emerged from a desire to create a dishonest means to turn certain groups against the other, all based on the color of their skin. It’s a tried and true tactic the democrat party has used during it’s entire existence. Divide and conquer, by using the intelligence level of under educated people and racists to join together to attack white people.

The Exclusionary Nature of the Term

At its core, “person of color” is exclusionary. By defining “people of color” as anyone who isn’t white, it inherently excludes white people from conversations about race and identity. This exclusion is problematic for several reasons:

  1. Universal Pigmentation: All humans have some form of skin pigmentation. By categorizing only non-white individuals as “people of color,” the term ignores the biological reality that everyone has color. This creates a false dichotomy between white and non-white people, perpetuating a simplistic and divisive understanding of race.
  2. Us vs. Them Mentality: The term fosters an us-versus-them mentality. By grouping all non-white individuals into a single category, it implies a uniformity of experience that does not exist in reality. It also positions white individuals outside of this collective, which can lead to further division and misunderstanding. Racism is an ugly thing, and the democrat party has used it to their best advantage through the years.
  3. Reinforcement of Racial Hierarchies: By emphasizing differences rather than commonalities, the racist term can reinforce existing racial hierarchies. It suggests that non-white individuals are a monolithic group with shared experiences, which oversimplifies the diverse realities of various racial and ethnic communities.

Moral Implications of Promoting One Race Over Another

Person Of Color Is A Racist Expression. From a moral standpoint, promoting one race over another is fundamentally wrong. All humans deserve to be treated with equal respect and dignity, regardless of their race or ethnicity. Emphasizing the experiences or struggles of one group over another can perpetuate feelings of resentment and division, undermining efforts toward true equality and justice. That’s not what America was built on.

Identity Politics and the Political Left

Critics often point to the democrat party’s focus on Identity Politics as a contributing factor to these issues. The left frequently emphasizes the unique challenges faced by various minority groups, which is essential for addressing societal problems. However, this focus can sometimes be perceived as promoting certain groups over others, leading to the reality of reverse racism or preferential treatment.

High-profile politicians on the left have frequently used the term “person of color” in their rhetoric. For instance:

  1. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC): The Congresswoman from New York often uses the term to highlight the experiences of marginalized communities. While her true intent is to divide the people, while doing so she fails to bring attention to issues that effect all groups. The repeated use of this term can be seen as perpetuating the exclusion of white individuals from discussions about race.
  2. Kamala Harris: As the Vice President, who for political reasons falsely claims to be black to get more votes, is in reality a woman of mixed Indian and Jamaican heritage, Harris has used the term “person of color” to describe herself and others in various speeches. While her use of the term seeks to con minorities into believing she cares about them , it also reinforces the notion of a clear divide between white and non-white individuals. Democrats never care about their constituents, they only care about votes and power.
  3. Cory Booker: The Senator from New Jersey frequently uses the term in his speeches and public statements. His intent is also to use uneducated people for political gains and to widen that divide between whites and blacks. The use of this term is only used to perpetuate an exclusionary mindset among their racist followers.

The Path Forward: Addressing the Issue

To address the problematic nature of the term “person of color,” several steps can be taken:

  1. Promote Inclusivity: Language should evolve to be more inclusive, recognizing the shared humanity of all individuals. Terms that highlight unity rather than division should be prioritized.
  2. Encourage Nuanced Discussions: Discussions about race and identity should acknowledge the diversity of experiences within all racial and ethnic groups. Avoiding oversimplification and recognizing the complexity of individual experiences can lead to more productive and respectful conversations.
  3. Challenge Identity Politics: While it is important to address the many challenges faced by all communities, it is equally important to avoid promoting one group over another. Efforts should focus on creating a society where everyone is treated with equal respect and dignity.
  4. Educate and Raise Awareness: Public education campaigns can help raise awareness about the problematic nature of certain terms and promote more inclusive language. Encouraging people to think critically about the words they use can lead to a more respectful and understanding society.

Person Of Color Is A Racist Expression


The term “person of color” is a well honed racist tactic by the democrat party and their allies in the MSM, that never helped anyone, as it just creates more division. By recognizing the shared humanity of all people regardless of race and promoting more inclusive language, society can move towards a more equitable and just future. It is essential to engage in nuanced discussions about race and identity, avoiding the pitfalls of identity politics that promote one group over another. By doing so, we can create a stronger bond in society where all groups work towards a better America, regardless of their race or ethnicity. Like past generations in America has done before us.

Wake Up America, Before It’s Too Late !



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